Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Fresh and Bright

My first thought, as I begin to write, is that I should be writing this in Comic Sans - the font of choice for teachers (who knows why??). This is my account, or should I say reflective account of my experiences over the last 3 years since doing my PGCE......

I always fancied myself as a teacher; as a kid I'd steer my friends into playing schools and my favourite part was taking the register and marking work. This was mainly because I could use a red pen and do lots of ticks. Other added benefits to being a teacher were that I could boss the "children" around and have a whistle to blow at playtime. Now, I'm not saying I based my application to do a PGCE was based on these childish kicks but if I'm honest I was looking forward to taking the register :)

Fresh and bright with a pencil case full of red pens, I arrived at uni full of confidence and looking forward to being taught the craft of teaching. My placement was at the local FE college which I knew well and, although I wouldn't be able to blow the whistle at playtime, I felt sure I could assuage my red pen cravings. How wrong could I be?

To be continued...

1 comment:

  1. What happened? I want to hear the rest of the story!!

    Mme Aiello @ Teaching FSL
